Read Best Seller Deaf Dogs Hear With Their Hearts Online Book

Deaf Dogs Hear With Their Hearts

Authors:Gisele Veilleux
Published on: 2013
Pages: 130
ISBN13: 9781300840220
Category:Deaf dogs
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This is a true story about one very special dog, and how she affected an entire canine rescue organization. China, a deaf and partially blind Australian Shepherd was rescued from a kill shelter when she was still a pup. Abused by her former owner, what we learned throughout her rehabilitation was priceless. We had no idea then how much she would teach us, and how she would change one little girl's life forever. Because of China, we continue to rescue deaf dogs.| - back cover.This is a true story about one very special dog, and how she affected an entire canine rescue organization. China, a deaf and partially blind Australian Shepherd was rescued from a kill shelter when she was still a pup. Abused by her former owner, what we learned throughout her rehabilitation was priceless. We had no idea then how much she would teach us, and how she would change one little girl's life forever. Because of China, we continue to rescue deaf dogs.| - back cover.

Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.

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