Read and Download Lethal White Syndrome Online Book

Lethal White Syndrome

Authors:Jesse Russel,Ronald Cohn
Published on: 2013-01
Publisher: Book on Demand Limited
Pages: 84
ISBN13: 9785510833225
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High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Lethal white syndrome (LWS), also called overo lethal white syndrome (OLWS), lethal white overo (LWO), and overo lethal white foal syndrome (OLWFS), is an autosomal genetic disorder most prevalent in the American Paint Horse. Affected foals are born after the full 11-month gestation and externally appear normal, though they have all-white or nearly all-white coats and blue eyes. However, internally, these foals have a nonfunctioning colon. Within a few hours, signs of colic appear and affected foals die within a few days. Because the death is often painful, such foals often are humanely euthanized once identified. The disease is particularly devastating for breeders because foals are born seemingly healthy after being carried to full term.High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Lethal white syndrome (LWS), also called overo lethal white syndrome (OLWS), lethal white overo (LWO), and overo lethal white foal syndrome (OLWFS), is an autosomal genetic disorder most prevalent in the American Paint Horse. Affected foals are born after the full 11-month gestation and externally appear normal, though they have all-white or nearly all-white coats and blue eyes. However, internally, these foals have a nonfunctioning colon. Within a few hours, signs of colic appear and affected foals die within a few days. Because the death is often painful, such foals often are humanely euthanized once identified. The disease is particularly devastating for breeders because foals are born seemingly healthy after being carried to full term.

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