Read Best Seller An Interview with J.K. Rowling Book

An Interview with J.K. Rowling

Authors:J. K. Rowling,Lindsey Fraser
Published on: 2002
Pages: 68
ISBN13: 9781405200523
Category:Authors, English
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Have a one-to-one with the very best authors in contemporary children's fiction, as Anne Fine, Michael Morpurgo, Jacqueline Wilson and J.K. Rowling answer questions about their childhood, relationships, how they began to write and where they get their ideas from. There is also a literary appreciation of each author by a prominent critic, and a comprehensive list of all the author's published works. The text is illustrated with photographs and mementoes from the authors' own archives.Have a one-to-one with the very best authors in contemporary children's fiction, as Anne Fine, Michael Morpurgo, Jacqueline Wilson and J.K. Rowling answer questions about their childhood, relationships, how they began to write and where they get their ideas from. There is also a literary appreciation of each author by a prominent critic, and a comprehensive list of all the author's published works. The text is illustrated with photographs and mementoes from the authors' own archives.

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