Cancer Saved My Life Book

Cancer Saved My Life

Authors:Lois Berry
Published on: 2000-11-01
Publisher: iUniverse
Pages: 108
ISBN13: 9780595149698
Category:Health and Fitness
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This book is the result of my desire to share what I learned from the experience of surviving breast cancer that metastasized to the bone. The changes I made in my life as the result of this illness have led to a happier, healthier and more productive life in so many ways. I have attained an inner peace that I never had before. I made lifestyle changes such as diet, but more importantly I learned how to deal with stress and my spiritual life continues to grow. I can truly say that cancer enriched my life. Over the years, I have counseled with many patients as they struggle with this dreaded disease. My hope is that by putting my thoughts in book form it will be helpful to a wider audience. All of us need help on our journey through life. It can be one of anger, bitterness, despair and self-pity or it can be a life of joy, forgiveness, of reaching out to others with love, and gratitude for our blessings.This book is the result of my desire to share what I learned from the experience of surviving breast cancer that metastasized to the bone. The changes I made in my life as the result of this illness have led to a happier, healthier and more productive life in so many ways. I have attained an inner peace that I never had before. I made lifestyle changes such as diet, but more importantly I learned how to deal with stress and my spiritual life continues to grow. I can truly say that cancer enriched my life. Over the years, I have counseled with many patients as they struggle with this dreaded disease. My hope is that by putting my thoughts in book form it will be helpful to a wider audience. All of us need help on our journey through life. It can be one of anger, bitterness, despair and self-pity or it can be a life of joy, forgiveness, of reaching out to others with love, and gratitude for our blessings.

“Speaking personally, you can have my gun, but you’ll take my book when you pry my cold, dead fingers off of the binding.” -Stephen King

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