Read and Download The Last Fix Book

The Last Fix

Authors:K. O. Dahl
Published on: 2010-03-30
Publisher: Minotaur Books
Pages: 384
ISBN13: 9781429912501
Books Rating: 3.53

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An intricate psychological thriller from the master of Norwegian crimewriting— the latest in the Oslo Detective's series A recovering drug addict, Katrine Bratterud, is almost finished with her time in rehab. One evening, contemplating her success at the shore of a lake, she senses that she is not alone. The discovery of Katrine's corpse the following day brings detectives Frølich and Gunnarstranda onto the case and into a web of secrets and lies that stretches back generations. K.O. Dahl weaves an intricate plot, juxtaposing the selfdelusion of drug addicts with the more complex self-delusions of the well-respected middle-class people treating them. Like Henning Mankell, Dahl manages to merge the suspense of the classical whodunit with the detailed precision of the police procedural novel.An intricate psychological thriller from the master of Norwegian crimewriting— the latest in the Oslo Detective's series A recovering drug addict, Katrine Bratterud, is almost finished with her time in rehab. One evening, contemplating her success at the shore of a lake, she senses that she is not alone. The discovery of Katrine's corpse the following day brings detectives Frølich and Gunnarstranda onto the case and into a web of secrets and lies that stretches back generations. K.O. Dahl weaves an intricate plot, juxtaposing the selfdelusion of drug addicts with the more complex self-delusions of the well-respected middle-class people treating them. Like Henning Mankell, Dahl manages to merge the suspense of the classical whodunit with the detailed precision of the police procedural novel.

“Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.” –P.J. O’Rourke

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