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Lethal Bounty

Authors:Bonita Wagner
Published on: 2001-01-11
Publisher: iUniverse
Pages: 232
ISBN13: 9781469766973
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Bounty hunter, Harper Sullivan, is on the trail of wanted felon Frenchie Broussard. However, he doesn't realize Frenchie has teamed up with long-time friend, Luther Bautiste, and the two are planning a large cocaine deal before crossing the border into Mexico. A vindictive Joseph Minetti of Louisiana is in search of Luther for getting his granddaughter hooked on drugs, leaving her destined to live in a mindless world in a mental hospital. Harper gets caught in the middle, becoming tangled in a web of revenge and self-preservation, when the Minetti's find Luther living in San Antonio, Texas. Not only does Luther continue to destroy the Minetti's, but he takes Harper for a walk on the darkside.Bounty hunter, Harper Sullivan, is on the trail of wanted felon Frenchie Broussard. However, he doesn't realize Frenchie has teamed up with long-time friend, Luther Bautiste, and the two are planning a large cocaine deal before crossing the border into Mexico. A vindictive Joseph Minetti of Louisiana is in search of Luther for getting his granddaughter hooked on drugs, leaving her destined to live in a mindless world in a mental hospital. Harper gets caught in the middle, becoming tangled in a web of revenge and self-preservation, when the Minetti's find Luther living in San Antonio, Texas. Not only does Luther continue to destroy the Minetti's, but he takes Harper for a walk on the darkside.

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