Lethal deception Book

Lethal deception

Authors:Pat Scott,Tom White
Published on: 2008
Publisher: Troubador Publishing Ltd
Pages: 322
ISBN13: 9781906510084
Category:Detective and mystery stories
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Dr Barry Greenwell is the senior partner of a medical practice by day, and Nerrithshire's highly qualified police surgeon by night. When a long suffering patient of his - also the mother of a local police sergeant - exacts a murderous revenge upon her cruel husband, Dr Greenwell finds himself caught up in a tangled web of deceit and deception.Dr Barry Greenwell is the senior partner of a medical practice by day, and Nerrithshire's highly qualified police surgeon by night. When a long suffering patient of his - also the mother of a local police sergeant - exacts a murderous revenge upon her cruel husband, Dr Greenwell finds himself caught up in a tangled web of deceit and deception.

“A man will turn over half a library to make one book.” –Samuel Johnson

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