Read and Download Lethal Hindsight Book

Lethal Hindsight

Authors:Robert Abel
Published on: 2010-02-23
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
Pages: 296
ISBN13: 9781450011105
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The Story Summary When a unique North Korean formula falls into the hands of a rogue German industrialist, a strange chain of events begins to unfold. Gerhardt Kruger wants to see Germany return to its rightful place in the world. This fast paced international thriller will involve two governments and a unique plot that could change the course of history. The rates of cataract triple in the Washington metropolitan area and bizarre votes are made in the Senate Arm Services Committee. The level of deceit unfold around an unique scientific concept. When Lauren Chandler, ophthalmic surgeon and researcher, stumbles onto the plot, she puts her life and her father's life in jeopardy. Ruthless killers will not allow anything to derail the plan as international tensions rise.The Story Summary When a unique North Korean formula falls into the hands of a rogue German industrialist, a strange chain of events begins to unfold. Gerhardt Kruger wants to see Germany return to its rightful place in the world. This fast paced international thriller will involve two governments and a unique plot that could change the course of history. The rates of cataract triple in the Washington metropolitan area and bizarre votes are made in the Senate Arm Services Committee. The level of deceit unfold around an unique scientific concept. When Lauren Chandler, ophthalmic surgeon and researcher, stumbles onto the plot, she puts her life and her father's life in jeopardy. Ruthless killers will not allow anything to derail the plan as international tensions rise.

“A good book has no ending.” -R.D. Cumming

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